Welcome to CTF-FC
Hello and Welcome to our website, Our Church is an Independent Pentecostal style Church under the direction of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. As Born Again Spirit filled believers we are also a part of the body of Christ, and the Family of Almighty God.
At Catch the Fire Family Church we want to help people come into a personal relationship with God the Father through Faith in his Son Jesus Christ. When you start to enter into this relationship through faith in Jesus we are here to help you to get to know your loving father through the Word of God (the Holy Bible) so that you can become a strong, overcoming Christian.
It is our desire to be a blessing to you and your family, and to encourage you in your walk of faith, to help you move forward in your personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. To this end we hold our Sunday Worship Meeting every Sunday at 10:30am.
We hold our Sunday Worship Meeting in the Frank Webb Suite on the 3rd Floor of the Holiday Inn Express, Macon Way Crewe CW1 6DR.
My wife Wendy hosts the meeting and we have a short passage of scripture that sets the tone for the meeting and it links into the sermon that is preached later in the meeting. We also have a time for personal testimonies and prayer requests for people’s needs. We start and finish the meeting with Praise & Worship to give the Lord all the Glory. Refreshments are available before and after the meeting
Wendy and I would like to invite you to come and join us on Sunday if you live in the local area of Crewe, or even the outlying areas of Crewe because
“A Church alive is worth the Drive”
We look forward to seeing you soon, and we will make you very welcome.
God Bless Pastor Shaun & Wendy Robinson
Service Times
Sunday Worship Meeting: 10:30am (every Sunday)
1st Sunday of the Month: Communion Meeting (breaking of bread)
Prayer Meeting: First Thursday of the Month
Alpha Course: Monday Night 6:30pm
We are a UK Charity Registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales
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If you would like to make a donation to the work of this Ministry we would ask you to click on the link below and follow the steps given to make a donation of any amount. Thank You
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